Monday, July 26, 2010

Official Welcome

We have been enjoying a peculiar little emerald gem for awhile without my ever giving her a proper introduction. So it is time I share her feisty personality and entertaining shenanigans with the rest of the world.
As noted in an earlier post, this is Francesca. She is a DNA-sexed Yellow-naped Amazon (Amazona ochrocephala auropalliata) hen that I initially met at my old employment. She was an impulse purchase at a swap meet who was named Friendly by her previous owner. When I met her, the owner was looking to rehome her and searching for the right family.

So some time last October, Friendly became a permanent member in our family. I changed her name to Francesca. 'Cesca' for short. She is my precious little bugga-boo.

She still calls herself by her old name, and would greet me each morning with "Hi Friendly!". However she has recently started saying her new name, and entertains us daily with her repertoire from her past life, as well as new whistles, arias and words she learned from us. Contrary to the couch potato persona of an Amazon parrot, Cesca is very active and has become quite a proficient flier. She loves this new-found freedom, and takes advantage of it by flying to me whenever she can.

Francesca is incredibly affectionate and fiercely loyal to me. I took her in, not knowing what to expect apart from what I have read about Amazons over the years. She is finally tolerating Bryan, and ignores the other animals unless they are within biting distance. With me, however, I am her heart and her world.

I will admit I had many doubts adopting an Amazon parrot whose history was relatively unknown. I had no desire to own an Amazon, and was in fact hoping to add a macaw to my flock as our second bird. However, all those fears were completely unfounded, and from this unexpected encounter, a wonderful and beautiful bond developed that I will always treasure.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Summer 2009
Panera, Eastlake Mall

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Introducing Francesca

Our adopted Yellow-naped Amazon hen